• Review of Camp Rolling Hills Books 1 and 2

    The perfect book for tweens 9-13. It would be a very good book if you are about to go to overnight camp for the first time. This book is about a certain group of kids going to camp. Each book switches between the perspectives of a girl and a boy. So this book would be…

  • The New Old-Fashioned Way!

    I broke tradition and listened to some Christmas songs that I came across when station surfing in the car the week before Thanksgiving. Usually, I refuse to do anything Christmas-y before Thanksgiving has concluded, but with the two huge snowstorms we’d already had, it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas, anyway. I sang…

  • Does Trustworthy Equal Boring?? Better Ask a Teen!;=2f July 20, 2016, by Guest Post 3 Comments Click “I don’t want to go with him,” my 17-year-old daughter said. “Then tell him ‘no’.” I told her. order rx free metformin “Then he’ll think I don’t want to go,” she said. go “But you don’t want to go.” source “But I don’t want him to know that I don’t want to go.” sites…