Category: LIFE

  • What To Expect Of A Carpet Removal Service?

    At some point, you need to hire a carpet removal service. Regardless of how often you vacuum your carpets, they store dust. Not only the dust – but also allergens, and bacteria. Hence, it is important to hire a professional carpet cleaning service after some time. How often should you hire them? It depends on…

  • Tips to Hold on to Hope No Matter What

    Hope – when you hear this word, your mind starts thinking of a poem on the hope that your heart never believed in. For you, hope is a myth that is created by people who are never bombarded by the wave of sorrows, stress, and depression. You feel that beyond the clouds and rainbows of…


    Isn’t it annoying that you purchase a new pair of white shoes and you get them sullied almost in some days by the rogue grass stain? Well, that is an issue we all have been facing, and especially the college students you just love to wear a pair of sneakers with their college outfit. So…

  • The New Old-Fashioned Way!

    I broke tradition and listened to some Christmas songs that I came across when station surfing in the car the week before Thanksgiving. Usually, I refuse to do anything Christmas-y before Thanksgiving has concluded, but with the two huge snowstorms we’d already had, it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas, anyway. I sang…