Needle or Gun? How To Get Your Child’s Ear Pierced?

Ear-piercing is something that all parents want their girls to have because it looks smart and attractive. Getting your child’s ears pierced at a tender age is a tradition in most Indian families, and it is a tradition that even modernized families follow. Hence, searching for the best place to get your child’s ears pierced is quite a task because of the abundance of ear-piercing parlors. 

Needle‌ ‌or‌ ‌Gun?‌ ‌Where‌ ‌should‌ ‌you‌ ‌get‌ ‌your‌ ‌Child’s‌ ‌Ears‌ ‌Pierced?‌ ‌ ‌

Finding a regular parlour to get your kid’s ears pierced is not a difficult job because these salons can be found in plain eyesight. A huge question mark arises when you try to find the best parlour with top-class equipment and professional behaviour to avoid any complications. 

This article talks about what you need to keep in mind while choosing the best places to get ears pierced and detailed answers to any related questions. 

Searching for the safest place to get ears pierced? Here is what you need to know

  • Customer reviews for the win
    The first thing you must look into is certified ear-piercing parlours.on the internet. 

You will see a list of parlours whose names will pop up on your screen. 

Searching for the safest place to get ears pierced Here is what you need to know
Searching for the safest place to get ears pierced Here is what you need to know

What you need to do is do a thorough scan of the customer feedback section and rely on the experience of the customers cited there. This is because a customer’s perspective is more valued and trusted than the advertisement of the company itself. 

Choose the parlour with the most percentage of 5-star ratings. 

  • Tick mark the positives
    Here are two things that you need to look for after you enter the parlor.

Cleanliness is always a priority to maintain proper hygiene. Make sure the place you’ve chosen maintains hygiene because there are a lot of people entering those parlors. Sanitation is a must. 

Searching for the safest place to get ears pierced? Here is what you need to know

The next thing you should be looking for is proper lighting. Make sure the lighting is bright enough because good lighting is needed to perform the service better. 

The third and most important point to consider is related to jewellery. Making sure that the parlour has hypoallergenic jewellery will ensure that your child does not have any allergic reaction post-piercing. 

  • Questions to ask- Here are a few questions you must ask before initiating getting your child’s ears pierced in the parlour of your choice:-

The first thing you must ask is whether the service-provider is licensed. 

Then ask them what kind of equipment they use and whether it is sterilised. 

The last thing you need to ask them if they wear disposable gloves. 

If all the above are affirmative, you can be rest assured that this is where to get kid’s ears pierced. 

Where can I get my daughter’s ears pierced? 

Keep the above mentioned points in mind while choosing a suitable place to get your daughter’s ears pierced. 

Sanitized area, disposable gloves, licensed worker and sterilized equipment. 

Where can I get my daughter’s ears pierced
Where can I get my daughter’s ears pierced

Also make sure that the parlour uses hypoallergenic jewellery because that prevents inevitable allergies. 

If you notice that the equipment is being sterilized in a public washroom, leave the place immediately. You do not know how bad the infections can get once that equipment comes in contact with your skin. 

What is the best way to pierce ears?  

Piercing the ears is a very common yet tricky procedure to follow. There are 15 places where you can get your piercing done on your ears. The most common places are the earlobe and the cartilage of the upper portion of the ear. Some get it on the inner portion of the ear where the skin is attached to the head while some prefer to get it in the center. 

Healing process
The healing process differs from person to person and their skin types. It also depends on what kind of sterilized equipment was used to conduct the process. Additionally, the material of the jewelry worn also determines the allergic reaction. 

The ear lobe takes about 2-4 weeks to heal completely, while the cartilage piercing takes about 4-12 months to heal depending on the factors mentioned above. 

Ear piercing with needles?  

I would suggest going against this method because your ears will be more prone to infection and not mention, PAIN. 

Guns are a better way to go about this process. It is sweet, simple, and stings only for a second. 

Just make sure every equipment used is thoroughly sanitised and the jewellery used is hypoallergenic. 

Taking care of your ears in case there is an infection

Once you have found the best parlour by searching for kids ear piercing near me and you have checked all the criteria mentioned above, you can proceed with the process of getting your child’s ears pierced. 

However, if you see that there is swelling around the pierced area for a prolonged period, it is possible that your child has come in for an infection.

Taking care of your ears in case there is an infection

Here is what you can do to ease the irritation and swelling before visiting the doctor-

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of salt in a bowl of warm water and mix them carefully.
  • Take a clean cotton swab and dip it in the mixture.
  • Press the cotton swab on the infected area. Do not take off the earrings and do not rub the liquid, Just press it against the skin a couple of times. 
  • Pat it dry with a tissue. Again, do not rub. 
  • Apply some over the counter antiseptic cream and let the portion cool off. 
  • If the irritation and swelling persist, make sure you visit a doctor as soon as possible. 


Want to get your kid’s ears pierced? Just follow the above-mentioned points to get it done professionally. 

If you are confused about where you can find the perfect salon, just search for ear piercing places near me and you can choose the best one out. Remember to be safe and take measures to prevent any sort of unwanted allergic reactions. 

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